Please keep Landree in your prayers tomorrow. After six days on the steroid her cough is actually a little bit worse. The pulmonary specialist wants us to bring her in so they can take x-rays of her sinuses. First thing in the morning we'll be heading
to Cooks for x-rays. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand I hope they don't find anything wrong with her sinuses. On the other hand the nurse said if the x-rays are negative we'll need to meet with the doctor about the next step. He may want
to do more extensive tests. (Lol.....When I first typed this I accidentally typed the word expensive instead of extensive. I bet expensive is probably more accurate!) The nurse said they will want to make sure she's not aspirating formula into her lungs when
she eats or that she doesn't have reflux which could also be causing the congestion. The way they check for those things sounds pretty scary so I'll worry about that later. I know this is such a small thing in comparison to what some other
babies with Down Syndrome have to deal with. I'm just ready to get this figured out and get rid of that yucky cough! I'll let you know how it goes!