A month or two ago we started working on teaching Landree sign language. We've been trying to teach her mama, dada, brother, milk, eat and more. I've read that babies can do sign language much sooner than they can talk. I also read that I should keep doing the signs but it might be several months before she ever did them back to me. Saturday night she was mad at her daddy because he was giving her a breathing treatment. She was crying and saying ma ma ma. Then she put her little hand up to her chin. It wasn't perfect form, but she definitely got her point accross. I almost cried! Since then she gets her hand in the right position to sign ma ma but she taps her thumb on your leg or hand instead of on her chin. I'm so proud of her! I'm sure she'll be signing brother and da da next, but they haven't been quite as dilligent about signing to her. Sunday Rick and I had some things we needed to take care of so Landree stayed at my mom's house. I knew that my sister and nephews would be over there and Landree would have their undivided attention. While I was gone her aunt taught her how to play peek a boo! Thanks Aunt Rebecca! Check out the video of Landree playing peek a boo. She amazes me every day with what she's learned. She soaks everything up just like a little sponge. Every day is more fun than the day before!